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501(c)(3) 84-2761393

Learn about RH Joy

RH Joy embodies the spirit of inclusivity and happiness, offering tailored activities that foster connections, joy, and a sense of community among individuals with disabilities, ensuring every participant experiences the warmth of companionship and the joy of engagement.

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Discover the Joy of Connection: Embracing Inclusivity through Shared Activities

RH Joy creates a world where every individual, regardless of ability, can find joy and connection through shared activities, fostering a warm, inclusive community spirit.

By embracing the unique contributions of each person, RH Joy's diverse programs celebrate the power of connection, transforming everyday moments into opportunities for joy and engagement.

Through its commitment to inclusivity and shared experiences, RH Joy not only combats isolation but also enriches lives, making the joy of connection a reality for all participants.

"We are constituted so that simple acts of kindness, such as giving to charity or expressing gratitude, have a positive effect on our long-term moods. The key to the happy life, it seems, is the good life: a life with sustained relationships, challenging work, and connections to community" - Paul Bloom

Enriching Lives Together: Building a Community of Joy, Inclusion, and Engagement for All Abilities

Cultivating Emotional Well-being

Nurturing Hearts through Joyful Connections

At RH Joy, we're dedicated to "Cultivating Emotional Well-being" by nurturing the hearts of our community through joyful connections. Our unique approach focuses on the emotional upliftment of individuals with disabilities, ensuring every participant finds solace and joy in shared experiences. Through our diverse and inclusive activities, we aim to foster an environment where laughter, support, and emotional growth are central, making happiness and well-being accessible to everyone. Join us in creating a space where emotional well-being flourishes, supported by the power of joyful connections.


Have a question? We’re here to help.

  • What is RH Joy?

    RH Joy is a programming pillar of the RH housing and wellness community designed to enhance the emotional and social well-being of individuals with disabilities and all resident clients through a variety of joyous and inclusive activities.

  • Who can participate in RH Joy activities?

    RH Joy welcomes individuals of all abilities, including those with physical, intellectual, and developmental disabilities, along with their families, caregivers, and community members.

  • How does RH Joy promote emotional well-being?

    Through activities that encourage laughter, connection, and community, RH Joy focuses on uplifting the spirits of participants, fostering a supportive and joyful atmosphere.

  • What types of activities does RH Joy offer?

    Activities range from creative arts and fitness to social gatherings, community outings, and group travel all designed to be accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

  • How can I get involved with RH Joy?

    Interested individuals can get involved by volunteering, participating in activities, or donating to support the program. For more details, visit our website or contact us directly.

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